
As A Mom of Boys

I was casually perusing Facebook on our lunch/recess break from school, when I came across an article by a dad here (http://evandolive.com/2013/03/22/a-letter-to-victorias-secret-from-a-father/).

This dad wrote a compelling letter to Victoria’s Secret regarding this new line of undergarments for middle school aged girls. This quote is from his article, regarding the line of undergarments:

“Recently I read an article that Victoria’s Secret is launching a line of underwear and bras aimed at middle school aged children. The line will be called “Bright Young Things” and will feature ” lace black cheeksters with the word “Wild” emblazoned on them, green and white polka-dot hipsters screen printed with “Feeling Lucky?” and a lace trim thong with the words, “Call me” on the front.””

Even as a mom of boys (I only newly have a daughter…) this appalls me. So, I’m writing a “To Victoria’s Secret” blog as well.

Dear Victoria’s Secret,

I’m sure you see the $$$ when you think of this clothing line. I mean, why wouldn’t you? Girls are going to be begging their mom’s to take them to get these latest fashionable clothing items. It may even be a “Mom and Daughter” bonding moment – sharing a trip to Victoria’s Secret, maybe that’s like getting your nails done, or your hair done?

But there is a dark side to these things, and our kids’ innocence should be protected for as long as possible. My dad used to ask me why I wanted to wear “sexy” underwear as a teen, especially if I was so adamant that I wasn’t showing it to anyone. He had a point.

And my boys see your marketing ploys, and you are warping their expectations of the girls they meet. Now, instead of seeing her for who she is and discussing those important decisions, like college and changing the world, my boys are wondering what her panties look like.

No, you aren’t the only problem in our culture, it’s on TV, in magazines, in movies, and music. But you aren’t part of the solution with this latest move. We need big companies to take a stand for integrity and morality. We need big companies to think of the long-term effects their products and the images they use for marketing, will have on our society.

As I work day in and day out to shape these young minds, and pray that they learn to respect women and girls, I am fighting gigantic monsters with advertising schemes that can never truly be avoided. What we don’t see on TV, we see on billboards, in the mall, and more.

Please reconsider this line of undergarments. Our girls deserve better than to be taught that they must conform to a worldly idea of beauty and sexiness. Our boys deserve to learn that there is more worth to a woman than her physique. Stand for something bigger than just the $$$.


Regina Walker

2 thoughts on “As A Mom of Boys”

  1. Thanks for this post, Regina. Our girls are living in a culture that is full of poison aimed at them: unrealistic body images, violent intent, sexual predators, and the very LAST thing they need is to start imagining their bodies to be playthings for impure men. I’ve refused to do business with Victoria’s Secret for a long time because of their pornographic advertising images. So glad you went one farther and wrote them a note.


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